2017 March/ April Spring Training
Over the last two months we have been slowly building up to meet our fitness goals. As March hits we are going to start to turn our focus on Rugby skills, while still making muscles burn and people sweat!
Our Session for March and April will be:
March 2nd 6-8pm @440 Albert st (Colt Gym)
March 9th 6-8pm @440 Albert st (Colt Gym)
March 23rd 2-8pm @440 Albert st (Colt Gym)
April 6th 2-8pm @440 Albert st (Colt Gym)
April 13th 2-8pm @440 Albert st (Colt Gym)
April 20th 2-8pm @440 Albert st (Colt Gym)
April 27th 2-8pm @440 Albert st (Colt Gym)
There is free parking at the school (between Laurier st and Slater st), and as always the training sessions are free and open to all current Wolves and ANYONE interested in playing with us for the 2017 season.
Indoor running shoes and comfortable work out clothes are all you'll need to join us!
Have questions? please comment below or email info@ottawawolves.ca